The Trees Have Eyes
2020, released Earth Day 2021
Hubby’s large scale lightbox, The Trees Have Eyes, features the eyes of the world’s Top 200 Collectors, as reported by ARTNews, digitally composited onto an ancient bristlecone pine named *Methuselah. If Hubby couldn’t find a picture of the collector (an alarming number have no pictures of themselves online) she substituted googly eyes, to comic effect. Also listed is a sampling of what each person collects, reflecting the blue chip and man-centric focus of the art world.
*one of the oldest living trees in the world at reportedly 4,855 years, located in the Inyo National Forest, California
“Let’s make the Earth BlueChip - this is my aim in imagining a shift in the focus of the art world’s investments and bringing that power back to the earth, and to see her abundantly taken care of, Blue Chip above all else in our eyes.”
The Trees Have Eyes, Bettina Hubby, 2020. Duratrans, lightbox, 30 x 40 x 5 inches (installation view). BH0562
The Trees Have Eyes, Bettina Hubby, 2020. Duratrans, lightbox, 30 x 40 x 5 inches. (detail) BH0562
The Trees Have Eyes, Bettina Hubby, 2020. Duratrans, lightbox, 30 x 40 x 5 inches. (detail) BH0562
The Trees Have Eyes, Bettina Hubby, 2020. Duratrans, lightbox, 30 x 40 x 5 inches. (detail) BH0562