CMAY Gallery
January 18–February 22, 2020
Los Angeles
TEXT Show featured text-based work by John Baldessari, Kristin Bauer, Greg Colson, Ginny Cook, Robert Dean, Alexandra Grant, Bettina Hubby, Steve Hurd, Marion Jungeblut, Cecilia Miniucchi, Laura Parker, Ed Ruscha, Susan Silton, Allen Tombello, Lawrence Weiner, Augusta Wood, and Jody Zellen.
Hubby’s painting created for the exhibition is based on the ancient prayer Ho’oponopono:
I am sorry, Please forgive me, thank you, I love you
Ancient Polynesian beliefs were adapted in recent times by Hawaiian healers to solve current day societal ills. The phrase Ho’oponopono means to ‘set right’; in this case setting things right by acknowledging one’s responsibility for having caused wrong, seeking forgiveness, and expressing gratitude and love to yourself.
The canvas size mimics Hubby’s own dimensions. In the painting she repeats the words again and again on the surface in the highly vibrational pink pigment to set the prayer firmly into consciousness.
“If we can accept that we are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our present lives and choices are colored or shaded by this memory bank of the past, then we begin to see how a process of correcting or setting aright can change our lives, our families and our society.”
—Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
Hubby’s Ho’oponopono, Bettina Hubby, 2020. Gouache on linen covered panel, 5’4” x 17.25” (Hubby’s own dimensions). BH0303
Hubby’s Ho’oponopono, Bettina Hubby, 2020. Gouache on linen covered panel, 5’4” x 17.25” (Hubby’s own dimensions). (detail) BH0303